AviClear™ Acne Treatment in Portland & Lake Oswego

Acne can take a toll on one's self-esteem and quality of life, especially in teenagers and young adults. Luckily our newest addition to the practice, AviClear™, offers long term, effective results. The skin of your dreams is just three 30-minute sessions away! 


AviClear™ is the first, and only, FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild to severe acne.  Acne is formed when the sebaceous glands, which secrete sebum, become clogged. AviClear™ uses 1726 nm wavelength to treat acne at the source, selectively targeting the sebaceous gland safely and effectively, while suppressing sebum production.

AviClear™ Acne Treatment Portland OR

One of our favorite things about AviClear™ is that it can treat all skin types and all ages! From mild to severe acne, and teenagers to adults, this treatment is for everyone. As we always recommend, it is important to schedule your complimentary skincare consultation before scheduling any treatments.

There are many acne treatments available, such as oral and topical antibiotics, retinols, special cleansers and as a last resort Accutane®. Long term oral and topical antibiotics can change your microbiome and may lead to long term issues. Other treatments are topical and just seem to work for a brief period of time. When patients develop severe cystic acne, they usually consider Accutane as a last resort. Accutane is oral medication that requires strict adherence to the program with monthly doctor visits, lab and pregnancy tests. While it is proven to have effective results, the side effects and risks can be painful and hard to manage. Some of these side effects include severe dryness, extreme itching, joint issues with limitation of sports activities, avoidance of alcohol, delay of family plans, and depression or irritability. 

AviClear™ only requires a three treatment program, with minimal side effects, and created with patient comfort in mind. We think of it as an amazing alternative to Accutane. The treatment has no downtime and provides life changing results; it is the future of clear skin. 

AviClear™ was designed to treat mild to severe acne with patient comfort in mind. The treatment features AviCool™, a powerful skin cooling system, to help maintain the skins temperature and allow a more comfortable experience. You may experience a mild snapping sensation during treatment, but as the treatment goes on, you will find it more comfortable. The treatment does not require any topical anesthetic! Not only is the treatment itself short in duration, the treatment requires relatively zero downtime. Patients are able to get treatment and go right back to their daily routines. It is highly recommended and important to use SPF after your AviClear™ treatment. You may experience some purging or dryness after treatment, so be sure to talk with your provider about products to help your skin after. 

Regardless of acne severity, AviClear™ requires 3 treatments, spaced apart by 3-4 weeks, to see the best results. AviClear™ found that patients had a 80% reduction in lesions 3 months after their third treatment.


  • You may continue to use Accutane the day of your treatment.  
  • Please discontinue any active ingredient skincare 5 days pretreatment (retinol, retin-a/tretinoin, vitamin c, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, etc.). This includes any oil-based cleansers or products.  
  • Taking Zyrtec two days prior to treatment is recommended to help with the purging process.
  • Daily use of Differin Gel can help clear acne, prevent break outs, and restore skin tone.
  • Notify your technician with any changes to your initial medical/medication history to enable accurate updates of your file. 
  • History of cold sores may require an antiviral prescription prior to treatment. 
  • Excess hair needs to be shaved 12-24 hours before treatment- no mustaches, beards, etc. 
  • Neurotoxins (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin or anything similar) or fillers should be administered a minimum of 2 weeks prior to your treatment. 
  • Apply a daily broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 50 on your face (and to other treatment areas) when exposed to the sun. Reapply every 2-4 hours, or after being in water.  
  • Ensure you have a good skin care regime to help prep your skin for the upcoming treatment. Using medical grade skin care can create an overall healthier canvas for us to treat and give you a better outcome. 
  • Your hair may get wet during the procedure. 
  • No sun exposure, tanning or self-tanners 4 weeks prior to treatment- this includes spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, unprotected sun exposure, etc.


  • Immediately post treatment we will apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF 50, which should be applied every day. 
  • Most clients will experience mild redness of the treatment area, lasting up to one day post treatment. 
  • Some clients may experience swelling of the treatment area lasting for as little as one hour or up to two days post treatment. 
  • You may continue use of Accutane immediately post treatment.  
  • Please discontinue any active ingredient skincare 5 days post treatment (retinol, retin-a/tretinoin, vitamin c, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, etc.). This includes any oil-based cleansers or products.  
  • Taking Zyrtec for three days post treatment is recommended to help with the purging process.
  • Daily use of Differin Gel can help clear acne, prevent break outs, and restore skin tone.
  • No sun exposure, tanning or self-tanners post treatment- this includes spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, unprotected sun exposure, etc. 
  • Make up may be applied the day after the treatment, ensuring your sunscreen is under your make up.  
  • Some clients experience dryness and itching on the treatment area up to 4 weeks post treatment- it is okay to take an antihistamine to help with this. 
  • It is common to experience post- inflammatory flare-ups and purging after one (or all) of the treatments- this condition may worsen before it improves. 
  • Avoid heat (hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, etc.) for 1-2 days post treatment. 
  • Limit any exercise or activity that could cause heat or sweating for 24 hours post treatment. 
  • For up to two weeks post treatment, avoid treatments that may irritate the skin, such as waxing. 
  • Please contact us with any concerns such as blistering, excessive, or prolonged redness/ swelling, etc.  


Before & after Image of AviClear™ Acne Treatment Portland OR
Before & after Image of AviClear™ Acne Treatment Portland OR
Before & after Image of AviClear™ Treatment Portland OR

Photos + Videos provided from Cutera, not patients of Burgess Plastic Surgery and In My Own Skin MedSpa


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01. Get to know your provider.
02. Help her understand you and your goals.
03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Dr. Burgess and her staff are amazing. From the moment I walked into the office I was treated with respect and kindness. Everyone I encountered is professional and makes you feel safe and special. And the best part.... I love my results! I can't thank you enough.”

–Dawn Funk, Actual Patient


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Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm
Friday: 8am-4pm
Saturday: By Appointment

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